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Shoot Day One

On this day we filmed all of the interior scenes, In the morning we started with the bedroom scenes which we had bit of trouble with because of the lighting  and the main window in the room was slightly  over exposed so we made sure that the light was always coming from the correct direction. 

For the lighting in this scene we used the Roto light as the key light and the LED light for the back light, our main concern was for the light to be as natural as possible and to make sure that it didn't look like artificial lighting was used. Also I worked closely with the Director to make sure that all of the shots were exactly how he had envisioned them.

The hallway scene was the most difficult shot to get because it was such a hard movement because I had to pan with the actress and track backwards then make sure it was in focus and stay at the correct pace, however we did about 30 takes of the one shot as were wanted to make sure it was exactly what we wanted.

We set up the track and dolly and worked with the actress to get the right pace and made sure that the timing was spot on so that it would cut together well during the edit. We wanted to be sure that every shot we got was framed up well and perfectly in focus, therefore we dedicated time to review the footage and double check it was what we wanted. 

After the bedroom scene, we moved onto the staircase scene which took a bit of adjusting because the space was quite tight to get into but once we had figured out the positioning it was easy enough to record. We wanted the lighting to be different to the bedroom because it was a new location and the room had a lot of window light as well so we wanted that to show through.

In the afternoon we filmed all the scenes in the kitchen, these scene were much simpler to shoot because we had more space to play with and the kitchen has loads of natural sunlight which meant that it was easy to light.

Shoot Day Two

On this shoot we filmed all of the external scenes, firstly we started with the scenes in the garden and patio. I wanted to make sure that the shots weren't over exposed so I added an ND Filter on the camera to balance out the bright sunlight which worked really well. 

During the afternoon, we moved to the front of the house to capture all of the shots on the driveway and on the road. This was the most challenging part of the whole shoot because the sun was beaming down exactly where we were shooting and the heat was making everyone more stressed but we kept calm and pushed through to get everything done. 

These scenes involved a lot of tracking shots, which meant that I was working closely with the director and actress to make sure that we were all working towards the same goal. I did my best to keep the tracking shots moving at the same pace and move at the same speed as the actress. 


This day was also when we gathered together all of the pick up shots, close ups and extra coverage to make sure that when we begin the edit, we have plenty of shots to choose from. Also we took our time to double check all of the footage and re-shoot any parts we weren't happy with.

Also because the sun was shining so bright it meant that I couldn't see the viewfinder very well so I decided to cover up the camera and double check every single shot for framing and focus. Another problem we encountered was that the time frame we had to film between was a very busy time on the road therefore we had to keep cutting every time someone came past however we just kept calm and took our time to make sure it all came together well.

Overall I'm happy how the shoot went and I'm pleased the footage that we have. I think we have plenty of coverage which we make the editor's job easier and we can test out any ideas during the edit because of the number of different angles and shot sizes we have.

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