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Once the production was done, I sat down with George Nicholls to go through the editing process with him. First of all, myself and George looked through the footage and would get all the best takes of each scene. I would then tell George how I wanted each section to be and he would edit. I sat with him through the whole process and gave direction throughout to ensure my vision was conveyed.

Within the first couple of days, we had a rough cut and this allowed us to see what the final cut was going to look like. I was very happy with how the shots turned out and the quality of the footage. Once the rough cut was done, we were able to piece it together more finely tuned and make tweaks to ensure that the film had pace and flow. We also adjusted sound and I was asking Georgetomaketweakswith the score and the audio of the footage.

Once we had a fine cut, we showed this to Simon who was happy with what we had done. The shot he was not sure about was the drone shot at the end so we went back to the drawing board and played with the speed to try and fix the issue.

When we were happy with the edit, Drey was able to help George with colour grading and get the films cinematic look to ensure all the shots matched and were looking at their best. They would adjust scenes and then I would look and ask them to make adjustments.

Overall I'm very happy with the final edit and I 
ampleasedwiththefinalproduction as a whole. I felt I gave good direction and this shows in the final edit.

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